What do your friends/family usually say about your music taste?
Dunno if music discussion belongs in this subcategory but here goes.

Not a lot of people get to have a look at my playlist/s but whenever some do, I usually get called a hipster or a boomer or something. Which is weird to me cause usually the tastes of these stereotypes are absolute polar opposites.

I get hipster a lot which is valid but I also listen to a lot of weird stuff so people don't really know what to call it sometimes.

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They call me a weeb but it's been like that for years so I'm used to it and their not surprised anymore

They hate it lol

generally don't like it since they listen to completely different genres. i try putting on music that satisfy both parties but very few songs do that.

They Respect it but have bias

I feel like Youtube and Spotify have normalized eclectic tastes in music. Most friends are cool with whatever I put on.

They say that I have the taste of an old lady.

lets just say we don't listen to the same things but they don't seem to judge so its fine