What do you think of Watch Dogs franchise?
I used to play the very first game at my friend's and the game isn't good. I haven't play the other games, so I'm curious about what the player's think. Especially the latest one, watch dogs legion. That game caused buzzez on the internet a month ago.

Idk, I actually liked the first one a lot. It didn't live up to all the hype I had but it was enjoyable. Maybe see if you can get it on sale?

I personally really liked it - and didn't like the later one ~ hopefully the new version coming out does it justice.. It's a cool world + idea with heaps of potential ~

I got part way through but never finished either 1 or 2. Been playing Legion like crazy lately. Really enjoying treating not as a GTA style sandbox. I feel that the lack of main character is helping to keep my interest longer than the first 2.

I played the first two and I think it’s starting to outstay its welcome. There isn’t much more they can do with it without recycling gameplay (which they’ve already done) and recycling story (it’s getting pretty close). I heard Legion was boring and it definitely looks it. Watch Dogs 2 was better than 1, but it was still missing something special. They should just stop

Watch Dogs is a good game, the first 10 minutes of gameplay.