Weight loss
Gym is just a side task, the main thing you need is diet. IMO your diet decide 90% will you lose or gain weight. Then decide the work-out exercises that fit your diet

Weightloss is a two part process, though realistically its more like 1.5 but the 1 is like a lifestyle thing. The biggest thing is your diet. You need to change what you eat, when you eat, and how you eat. Im not saying super crazy keto diet stuff (dont do this btw, its really hard on your body). Dont go without eating too, just eat less overall. Maybe one less meal a day, smaller portions, avoid butter as much as you can. Dont eat a lot of carbs. Eat more vegetables. Get proper sleep and sleep at reasonable hours. Make sure you eat no later than like two or so hours before you sleep so you dont develop acid reflux. Be sure to hydrate too and lay off any other drinks, alcoholic or not. Its a lot to do but thats majority of what could be contributing to your weight.

If you wanna also work out thats good too. You dont need to do anything crazy, some laps around the block every day are a great idea and are easy on your joints. If you have access to a swimming pool i strongly suggest that. Do laps. Swimming is insane for working out.

I wish you luck OP. Remember, when you hit your goal dont stop. The diet thing is a lifestyle. You will regain what you lost.

If you want a fast weight loss I think you should go see a nutritionist or a personal trainer.

1. Look up the satiety index - eat the non-carb/sugar foods that make you feel full.
2. Cut out carbs and sugars cold turkey.
3. Suck it up and deal with your new diet for 30 days and weigh yourself.

hit da gym bwoi

Count the calories and workout for strength

start by walking every day and limiting calorie intake, it's a easy way to start dropping pounds then begin exercising more intently when you feel ready

Don't care about what others think of you, go to the gym to improve yourself. Everyone starts somewhere and those that make fun of you are just a-holes.

What everyone is saying about diet is right, the gym is secondary. Your weight is dictated purely by energy, that is in the form of calories. Consume less calories and be more active.

That being said, even though the gym is secondary it is still a huge addition to fitness. I promise you any gym worth its shit is going to be SUPER supportive of you and nobody is judging you. If somebody is, then it's probably just because they're insecure themselves

good thread Smile glad everyone is encouraging OP