Theory: Blizzard commissioned porn of Overwatch to increase sales
Ever noticed the high amount of overwatch porn that is also really high quality? Professional quality, even? What do you think?

[+] 1 user Likes IsntNatureLovely's post
That does seem a little tinfoiley, but I'm certain they dont mind it, but hardly think they produce it

Kind of. Blizzard used to be really against Overwatch porn originally even going as far to fight against it, but seemed to embrace it. OW porn is literally what is keeping the game going IMO.

There is porn of literally everything. Especially any popular video game. Though they probably don't try to discourage it.

Doubt it, but the porn is in suspiciously good quality...Might be doing it for overwatch 2

[+] 1 user Likes ToriSmi10617836's post
Gotta remember the 34th rule of the Internet: "If it exists..."
Maybe someone ripped some models from the game files???

i remember reading somewhere that it actually helped their marketing

I bet people just used the models from the game which were already made. Wouldn’t mind if good porn games became a thing tho lol

I’m bout to look it up see what the hype about