Should I get Cyberpunk 2077?
Am thinking of waiting a few months before I get it to let the major issues get patched out first. Should I bother?

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I'd wait. Its full of bugs...not worth it yet

Even if you get it on pc it is full of performance issues so it is best to wait for patches. Also you might want to adjust your expectations since what they promised and what you get as far as gameplay and narrative possibilities is very different.

Probably is best to just wait it out.

I'm about 20 hours in on the PC version and have only seen a couple of graphical bugs, nothing game-breaking.  Think the 1.04 patch that came out a few days after release fixed a lot of the problems; there's another patch on the way soon.

My PC is very old so I was suprised at how well it runs.

If you're on last gen, pass, simple as is. The performance on last gen isn't worth the 70€ price tag. If you play on a PC that can handle it you might consider buying it, they already made the game more stable all the bugs I've encountered thus far weren't game breaking, just hilarous. Also it's not as full of bugs as people say, I'm almost 30 hours in and the only bug that actually negatively affected me was a single mission that was broken for me but that was fixed by reloading a save from earlier.

Imo, it's best to wait for a stable and patched game that may even drop in price but if you're curious and not on last gen consoles you may give it a try.

Wait a good 3-4 months until it’s in working order then get it on sale