Porn genre that turns your off
yea super hardcore stuff isnt it

poo and pee is terrible

Vanilla porn is kind of boring for me. I enjoy stuff with weirder concepts, like Rocket and Switch JAV films.

On board for the rest but what do you have against chocking?

Gang bangs. The girl guy ratio is way off.

Anything that includes really bad acting that makes you just cringe

Other than the obvious(bodily fluids for the bathroom) choice.  Anything non-con is a very big turn off. Especially when they have the girl portray it as horrible as it is meant to be. 

Some people do non-con to dub-con or at least give hints that both parties are enjoying what's transpiring, which is something that is easier to stomach depending on the fantasy.  But non-con to the fullest is something I could never stomach and it's something I'm seeing crop up more and more. 

Stepbro - Stepsister stuff kind of gets old after the 20th time seeing it... However there was one porn that turned it into a Musical where they sang a song called "A Step Away" and I gotta say... that made it all come together lol

Incest stuff is stupid.

Scat is gross.

SCAT is big turn off. I get that some of them are fakes,but there is also a real deal videos and that kinda makes me vomit


anything cheating or cuck related. I get everyone has their thing but it just makes me uncomfortable

Scat is pretty disgusting  Huh

any porn involving feces, piss, usually anal too, does not really excite me, more like opposite..