Platform-exclusive games
Similar to how streaming services have exclusive rights to certain movies and TV shows, there are games that are exclusive to certain platforms.

For example, Orcs Must Die 3 is currently exclusive only to Stadia, which I have no interest in using. It is supposed to come to other platforms, such as Steam, "at a future date".

What are you thoughts on this? I hope the trend doesn't continue.

Well they need a way to lure people into their platform. Especially for new platforms, where it is really hard for them to get players.

I understand why they do it but I hate it and just wish it would end

I can understand it for first party games, because they want to sell their console.
However every third party developer who does exclusives, although ports would be easy to implement
(There are engines that run on multible devices per default and need minimal adjustment), is for me an enemy of the industry.
Though it might be the publisher that make such decisions.

For the love of games, restricting the access in such a way is imo morally wrong.

Timed-Exclusives are okay I guess, I personally wait for later releases, if I want to play the game on another platform.