PC is the worst way to game
- costs double the price to have a high end PC as a console
- your machine becomes quickly outdated by newer parts and requires upgrading
- as a result of the first two, and due to widely ranging machines users have, games are not as finely optimized as console games that developers know all users will run with the same hardware (look at what TLOU was able to do with Ps3 or what TLOU2 was able to do with Ps4 at the end of their lifespans when anyone would call the hardware outdated)
- playing on a monitor at a desk instead of on a large tv on your couch?
- girls see your rainbow LED mechanical keyboard and decide not to fuck you

This seems like bait, but hey, console, pc - who cares as long as the person is enjoying themselves

Bro pc master race dude

^ this guy is right kek

pc is the best for gaming.... with other things

Empl0de32, you're right on both acounts  Smile

This is definite bait, I haven't had one girl turn me down so far bc she's seen my PC setup.

nah bruh PC is the best, console is easier to access but  it’s hardly comparable to PC

PC is more expensive but you get better quality of game. Better graphics etc.

I've always been a PC gamer, so I'm just used to the mouse/keyboard setup at this point. It's also nice to be able to minimize and look stuff up or multitask on a PC.

In these times, building a gaming pc is not a good idea...I mean, look at the prices...

Pc better in my opinion. More advantages and ways to do stuff.

I respectfully disagree

hard disagree

Lol this is definitely an unpopular opinion, and rightfully so

To each their own I suppose. Or just find people who also like PC and they'll spend time with you Big Grin

I prefer console but pc isnt that bad

I dont really prefer one way to game over another, but I will say one thing PC has going for it is that for most games i've played work better on PC and some there are better game options on PC as well.

Lol nice bait, game however you wants

Bait post only way console beats pc is sitting on a couch vs at a desk