Morning wood and porn
I am having a doubt whether watching porn would affect ones morning wood?
I  found out that if we dont wake up during our REM sleep phase, we would be not having morning wood,
And also if we use an alarm we wont be getting one,
What are ur thoughts on this one guys?.

doesnt affect me.. yet i guess Big Grin

[+] 1 user Likes whatgoesingoesout's post
interesting question

i still get it with alarm so tf

no it doesn’t effect me at all

Doesn't seem to affect me either. Other things like stress seem to change it though.

it doesnt seem to affect anything

We should consult a scientist

[+] 1 user Likes bobloblaw123's post
I don’t think porn watching affects morning wood tbh...

[+] 1 user Likes posybtw's post
Oh well! I should think about that when i will wake up tomorrow

Best association ever, trust me

Porn mostly affects your psyche, not physiology

Porn mostly affects your psyche, I think!

u have random boners during your sleep, so morning wood is random too

Feel like it is random

I haven't noticed it