Mia Khalifa situation on porn
I would like to have second opinions on Mia Khalifa's situation on porn, I know it's an old topic but sometimes people start to talk about it. Im referring the time that she said she was exploit in the porn industry even though she sign a closed contract(fixed value no commission). I feel bad when people starts to hate on her because I can understand why she so mad about it but unfortunately nothing that is outside the contract was done. If I said something wrong pls correct me and tell me your opinion

Contracts are written by lawyers and not a single woman in porn is a lawyer and so they have no fucking clue what they're signing. Then, the producers can simply say if you don't do x then you lose your money, and the women are dependent on that money. Combine it with all the drugs they use on the women, and you have a mess. And there are very few lawyers willing to go against the porn industry, as the porn industry has some seriously powerful lawyers behind them. Their tribe helps themselves to all these women, and none of the women realize that they're just another meal to consume.

yea id be interested too

Look it sucks that she didn't get paid much initially but given how many times she went back I think her being so angry at the industry is entirely unjustified

mia is very bad, outhers actresses is very good

I mean there's been countless stories like this even before she started. She should've researched more or talked to other folks before.

>I mean there's been countless stories like this even before she started. She should've researched more or talked to other folks before.
Not only does money talk loudest, but it also blinds you, and makes you think of stupid shit when signing a contract. How many of you fully understand that contract a car dealer gives you the first time you look at it? They tell you to trust them and then you get this shitty ass deal that puts you in the hole for seven years. And no matter how many times you read the damn contract later, you don't understand it at all. Same goes for Mia Khalifa, and every other girl in porn. The industry is fucked up and designed to consume humans at a rate that would make a cannibal blush.

Pretty sucky, and obviously feel bad but like others have said, money talks. Thdy dangle a big dollar amount in front of the porn stars thats tough to say no to (especially at a young age).

Mia has already been outed, she's been saying all this shit about the porn industry, and the people she worked with but in fact, many producers/companies/actresses have called her out on her bullshit.

>many producers/companies/actresses have called her out on her bullshit.
In comparison, how many actually support her claims?

She is outdated now

So there's two possible scenarios here
Either she did it simply for clout
Or she realized way too late
Either way, there's no going back now

Probably just stirring drama to get clout. Anyway she's irrelevant now

the industry is flat out exploitative for sure