Me Myself And I
Hi Guys!
You must be wondering about why the fuck you read my thread!
But I wanna introduce myself, so I will write some shit about myself and then I let you go with the waves.

So, My name is Valentine "MoonWolf" Toldi!
I am from Hungary and I am 16 years old.. (I'll turn 17 this september)
I play CS:GO since 2014 but got banned several times on over 30+ payed accounts. Ikr.. Not so lucky and dumb.

I know the forum from a guy who was in my game so I decided to join and I think it worth my time, I only met good people here in this 2 weeks since I joined.. 
I usually run a few checker/cracker programs in the late evenings, and if I have hits I am trying to share it with you!
I know my english isn't perfect, but I'm trying my best to be a part of this community.

[font]So.. That's it! I hope I could Introduce you enough much.
Have a nice Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night! ^^[/font]

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