How to avoid back pain when gaming?
I always find my back aches when gaming for long periods of time.

Does anyone else have this problem? I’ve tried to improve my posture when playing and take regular breaks.

Anyone have any solutions?

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Try getting a better chair that's more comfortable to sit on. Or maybe try playing while standing up, make sure to have the screen on eye level though.

If your back still hurts, try doing some light exercises or yoga to help fix up your posture, relieve pain and strengthen your back.

I really enjoy playing while standing! You can even get a standing desk for your gaming setup and it’d be great for you

Get a good chair and make breaks every 30-40 minutes for at least 3 minutes and try to exercise a bit in this time,

Additionally to the advices before:

- If you have a job that requiers lifting heavy things or in general doing that: kneel down instead of bowing your back!!!

- Sleep in a natural position, prefer laying on your back I'd say, but better ask a doctor about this point.

- Don't use shoes with bad springiness.

some specific extra advices, if your back is  already really bad :

- If you ride a racing bicycle, it should have some kind of springiness. If it has not, you could search for a saddle with a spring.

- Also don't stamp when you walk, more like unroll your feet.

Invest in your health, it can be cheaper in the long run.

Chair honestly

suffer this a lot thank you for all the tips I just found on here.

Get a million dollar chair?

Look up videos on good posture while sitting. If that doesn't work then try what the other comment suggest like a more ergonomic chair, exercise etc.

A lot of people suggests thing like a better chair or stretching but honestly, if youre completely sedentary throughout the day you need to get in the gym and actually train your back. Frequent breaks from sitting are great but realistically if youre just a goblin who plays games for hours on end your back is probably weak enough that just supporting whatever sitting posture you have no matter how ideal is enough to get soreness and discomfort. You probably need some more physical activity in your life.

Make sure your desk, chair, and monitor are at the right heights so you don't need to bend over and hurt your back.