How easy is it to be manipulated by society?
How easy is it to be manipulated by society? How do I know if I am?

[+] 1 user Likes [email protected]'s post
I often wonder to myself why I take the time to write thoughtful answers to complex questions to random strangers on the internet despite it being one of the worst methods of conversation given the ease of confusion and lack of easily clarifying. And yet I respond.

Let’s breakdown the first question. By manipulate I’m assuming you mean the more sinister definition of
“control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.” By asking how easy it is for society to do this is too broad. Society is too vague, comprised of various groups and people. Ease is also hard to measure but can be argued for on qualitative methods. To be born in a community is to be conditioned by your environment, however good or bad. Society also conditions people through culture. By conditioning I mean the way the world appears to you when you have no other assumption about a particular thing, therefore you adopt what first appears as an uncritical child. Rather than society, I would say corporations and the rich manipulate and exploit people of all ages. They manipulate kids with ads to annoying their parents to buy toys. They manipulate with news, marketing, and propaganda. And it’s quite easy for them. Media is powerful, especially when grasping kids at a young age. The further one goes on unquestioning, the more engrained they become.

How do I know if I am?
Just think about why you do things. The only way to not be manipulated is to think critically. Any dogmatic or traditional approach that is not first and foremost chosen and understood by you is something that you have accepted with consideration. Why do you buy the brands you do? Do you care about your appearance? What is success to you? Really try to think about why you are the way you are.

If you’re wondering what you can do I’ll offer you a quote from someone smarter, “The individual's duty is to do what he wants to do, to think whatever he likes, to be accountable to no one but himself, to challenge every idea and every person.” Jean Paul Sartre

[+] 2 users Like Thelittlefox22's post
How Easy? Easy, depending on your definition of manipulation and of society (semantics always make it hard to have good faith conversations).

Most of our life that is dictated by things out of our individual control because so much of larger society going back centuries is designed around the vulnerabilities of our psyche and extracting value and other resources from the masses. It starts from a young age and it never ends because we are seen as potential profit or to help generate further profit. Depending on how cynical or utilitarian you are, you can apply the same principle to how we develop or maintain relationships with other people, groups, communities, etc. There's always some sort of "value" being assessed and extracted. That said, with people it may be generally easier to find the relationship mutually beneficial.

I think most people eventually develop the idea that the world can be a harsh and callous place, but it can go a lot of places from there. For some, it becomes fuel to fight for a better world for yourself and others. For others, it makes them paranoid and hyper-vigilant, distrusting of others, and only prioritizing themselves. The reality for most is somewhere in the middle, probably leaning towards the latter.

How do you know if you are? Well, I think the first step is acceptance that you are and that a lot of it is outside of our control. Sure, we can try to manage some of the variables, but you have to choose your battles carefully or you'll end up overwhelmed. A lot of advice focuses on introspection and asking yourself why, which is worth continuing to encourage. I'd argue that it's equally as important to ask others the same questions, because without context how can we really understand ourselves? Never accept the answer from yourself or others that "I just like it/I just do/it's not that deep".

Unsolicited advice, but don't get too caught up in trying to know and control everything because no one can and it's okay to be realistic. Make sure you have people around you that make you feel understood and valid (whether friends, family, therapists, colleagues, etc.), but also make sure to get out of your comfort bubble so that the existence of something different doesn't feel threatening to you now or later on.

You asked two great questions that suggest that you are thoughtful and try to be self-aware, which often means you are on a good path already. Just don't get too jaded by the answers you uncover!

[+] 2 users Like Green3919's post
Extremely easy. Just look at the current situation in America where each political side gets further and further apart and more people treating the other side as an enemy and not just a difference of opinions.

These controllers have generations of practice at manipulating you and are very good at it

[+] 1 user Likes Comicgeek95's post
In a sesne, it's really hard to be self aware if you're already manipulated or not, especially since "society" is a non-material and you wouldn't know physically. Basically, it's all in your head. Given this, it is really easy ti be manipulated by society since we basically live and breathe in it. I guess the only way to avoid it is if you have a strong will and a solid belief system. These can really ensure that you are what you are and you think by your own standards.