Hentai is better than porn
Hentai is art and regardless if you don't like it, most of the art is impressive. Porn is shit art and it is horrible. The actresses and actors can't act, the moans are cringe worthy and more fake than plastic surgery. The woman look very unrealistic and to make things worse, why in the fuck is the most popular category Teen (18 and 19)? That is disgusting and disgraceful. In my opinion, the minimum age should be 20 or 21, not 18.

[+] 1 user Likes Vods 4 Bobs's post
2D Waifu > 3D Woman

Damn bro I had some phases where I genuinely thought this too

To each of his own. I enjoy both. You definitely don't have to worry about poor acting and storytelling in hentai

It sounds like you haven’t been fortunate enough to find any good porn. Which is understandable since 99% of the shit out there is garbage anyway.

Debatble cuz porn doesnt have good storylines

We talking hentai manga, not anime right? Cos poorly animated anime isn't much better than a powerpoint slide show.

I can probably find more hentai with good plot/art than porn, though there are some performers that I really enjoy and hentai can't beat those, cos at the end of the day it's a static medium that only engages your sense of sight.

I don't think so. But if it had better animation who knows...

I like both but I think porn is better

I like hentai way better but damn do I sometimes just want to watch a real girl be lewd.

I can't even read yo text bro

if you watch it for entertainment.. for sure.