Going disc-less next gen?
To be honest I can't see myself doing it. You can make 90% of the price of purchase back off the game selling it on. What am I not seeing?

Yeah agreed, keen to see how backwards compatibility will work too. If PS4 disks work that's a massive + for getting the PS5 with the disk drive.

really hope it doesnt happen

the ability to buy used games will easily make up the $100 price difference from the PS5 with a drive and digital only PS5. can't see a reason for going with a digital only option in the foreseeable future.

it makes sense that sony and microsoft are trying to kill the used games market.

I also dont want this to happen, but I dont see how it could not. Is the perfect way for the companies to guarantee anyone will play the game has to buy a copy from them, to have complete control of how the game play with updates, to guarantee there is little piracy, and to have total control over it.

I never bought a digital console game, but time will tell if I will be able to do it in a few years.

I preordered the disc version of ps5 and xbox series mainly for backwards compatibility.