Favorite first person shooter?
What is your guys all time favorite first person shooter? I loved combat arms back in the day along with cod

Its gotta be call of duty

I think Halo 3 or Reach, just due to all the custom games you had on it.

has got to be Battlefield 4. Map devolution is off the charts

F.E.A.R. , halo reach, half life: Op For, and many more. those are the first that come to mind though

Combat Arms was actually a favorite of mine forever. Good times.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was probably the best ever made in my opinion. So good.

prolly apex legends. The movement in that game feels so damn good

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Cod for sure!

Black ops 2 was ahead of it time

Borderlands 2

CoD Black ops 1

apex.. the memorable game i ever had

Its CS:GO without a doubt, not sure if the generation here is too young to have ever really gotten into the game but its just so much more competitive than other shooters its easier to actually take it seriously. II haven't put as many hours over all the years its been out as most people but every hour i did put in felt more rewarding because of the games skill ceiling and how much more mechanically demanding it is IMO

Apex go dummy I love that game