Favorite BR game
There are quite a few big name battle royale games now. What is you favorite, and why?

Mine is Warzone. I love Fortnite, but I suck at building.

im on the warzone train now aswell but 2017/2018 fortnite was the most fun ive had on br games but the skill ceiling on fortnite is just to high every is good now lol

As much as I hate to admit it, I had a quite a bit of fun playing fortnite, even though I have the feeling every second player I meet is using a macro to build. It just has so many nice features I wish other games would adapt and the community support by the devs is outstanding.
Not much of a Warzone fan myself, being stuck on lastgen with 70 FOV ruined the experience for me tbh
Apex Legends is a strong contender for my favourite BR. Fun Legends to play as, the maps are great, the new lore they added was great and I just love how fast paced it is compared to other shooters.

Hands down apex legends because it's the only one that i feel i can have fun with compared to other BR

Apex is super fun

Warzone at the moment

A new one that has joined the fray is Eternal Return: Black Survival.
Its basically plays like MOBA (Isometric view with leveling and QWER skill bindings) but its a Battle Royale!
Can be played in solo, duos, or trios!

Its a pretty fun one when you wanna get away from the FPS of most BR.