Fallout: New Vegas is the best game in the series, fight me.
Fallout 3 was mediocre and 4 was downright annoying. 1 and 2 are great games but just too 90's jank to properly enjoy these days. New vegas is right in the sweet spot.

[+] 1 user Likes assfacebob's post
I agree with you on this. Just a shame it had bad load times that got worse over time.

Yeah man Fallout: New Vegas was my fav of the bunch. Hopefully fallout: Miami manages to fix some of the issues

We need fnv2 now that obsidian and bethesda are both owned by microsoft now

It's the best because Bethesda wasn't involved T B H

You’re absolutely right

there is no denying that fnv is the best fallout an we have obsidian to thank for that

[+] 1 user Likes DiggaBicka's post
I'd say Fallout 2 was still the best - I think it's aged pretty well

No contest; fo1/2 are good but can't reach the FPS version