Face as the most important Part in Porn?
You guys also have the problem that faces are extremely import for a nice porn? And I prefer more the sweet type of girls. So it isn’t that easy to find the right girls.

completely agree

[+] 1 user Likes dingohoho's post
I have to agree as well.

1000% agree. why are we cursed this way? it leads to way too much scrolling

Yep agree, it really sucks that so much amateur stuff hides the face.

[+] 1 user Likes meowkinga's post
face is definitely helpful

i agree fully

I also have the same issue, that's why it's difficult to find the right material.

for me it's the boobs that are the most important, always has been

Same, I sometimes take ages to find something proper. Too many chicks in porn nowadays have nice bodies but rather trashy faces :/

yes yes that is it  At

Lad tell me about it, I prefer sweet girls too rather than extremely beautiful.

Face is so important though, like there's a subreddit r/LucieWildeIsRetarded that is legit just about that pornstar with massive tits who looks alien.