Excited or worried about Halo Infinite?
What's everyones opinions on Halo Infinite? Do you think it'll be a failure with what's been happening behind the scenes, or do you reckon it could still be good?

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Honestly, I want it to be good, I really love Halo as a franchise and setting. But they have really been trying to milk the Masterchief train for way too long. They could do so much more, make new characters that are actually likeable, but they simply don't want to give up MC.

Most long-running franchises have this issue, they don't want to NOT have a game without their old main character, but as time goes on it becomes more and more of a stretch to keep them relevant in the story. Gears of War has actually managed to do that pretty well, the old Gears are still in the story, but they are not front and center, and are usually support roles to the new main characters. I hope that they can somehow do something similar for Halo overall, but I kinda doubt it.

I loved halo 4 but felt let down by 5 so its a mixed bag for me. The separate multiplayer is an interesting concept for halo but if done well I think it’ll really pay off