Enough "FAST" series movies already
Why they continued producing "FAST" movies after the death of Paul walker is beyond me.... I get it the thirst for cash is always there, but I feel like they've moved farther and farther away from what the series was originally. Now you have flying Cars ? and all kinds of mess..... Enough already! Thoughts?

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It's just a money grab on their part. Not surprised at all.

It's making so much money, they'll never stop. The studio would want it to go forever, it's becoming more, and more outlandish now.

I can see it eventually stopping in a few years.

Completely agree with you on that

These movies make a shit ton of money. They make so much cash that multiple executives would be fired and sued into ruin if they red lit any other FF movie. Hollywood runs on four things: kiddie raping, blackmail, propaganda control, and money. And if enough money is involved, the other three are ignored, for the sake of more money.

Your answer? It keeps going because  MILLIONS of dollars!  Didnt the pilot a submarine in one? GUH

coulnt agree more

Universal owns rights to Pacific Rim and James bond

So i'm fully expecting next movie to have Vin Diesel go against a Kaiju in a car.

totally agree with you

Totally agree! I grew up watching them, but it’s gotten out of hand!

If it makes money, Hollywood will keep on producing them

Fast has become an over the top action movie franchise ever since it rebooted, so I guess its only giving more of what people want nowadays.

I've never seen a single one. Should I bother?

They should indeed stop... But im telling y'all i can watch Tokyo Drift all day LONG. Everything past Fast7 I havenet seen but I mean they still make Transformer movies and those are even WORSE

Like all things Hollywood, they'll only stop until there exists no more money to be milked

Just cannot get into them. They all seem a bit over the top and superfluous