Cyberpunk a letdown?
ive been watching alot of reviews and such but i know the game wasnt gonna live up to the ridiculous hype but dang the way people are talking about the bugs in the game is a real let down hopefully most of them will be fixed in the day 1 patch when the game comes out

I mean I haven’t watched the reviews and I was never that hyped for the game but the way people have hyped it up it seems that no matter what the game will be a let down to some extent because it was never gonna be this perfect divine game people wanted it to be

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bugs get fixed over time

When a game gets hyped for 7 years, there's almost no way it can hit that expectation. It's the classic hypetrain formula

There is the one part that keeps crashing my ps4. Crashed it 4 times before I gave up

The community is actually faster then the developers in fixing perfomance issues (PC only).
If you are interested in recommendations for fixes, ask me.