Cyberpunk 2077 on last gen consoles
Does anyone have cyberpunk in a last gen console (e.g. PS4)? What has your experience been in terms of bugs and performance? Is it playable, or should you just wait until getting a current gen console?

You should wait for a next gen console or get a pc. The game basically doesent work.

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Have the game on ps4 and its horrible graphically, use a next gen or pc

Having a good experience on Ps4 with that game feels like a tossing a coin, a very expensive toss.

get pc ,ps4 was terrible

Is seen some gameplay and it looks bad on PS4

It looks absolutely terrible on PS4 and runs at a very unstable 30 fps at most. You'll probably be experiencing drops to around 15-20 FPS during some of the bigger firefights.
It's by no means unplayable, and everyone who says so is way too entitled imo. It plays on 7 year old hardware and you can definitely enjoy the game on PS4.
I enjoy playing it and since it will be carried over to the PS5 library I won't refund it.
BUT I advise against buying it for PS4. Put the money for Cyberpunk aside and once you've got a PS5 or a good PC, then consider buying it.