3060 worth?
Hey guys, I've got a 980 gpu in my desktop and an i7 4790k. I'm definitely intrigued by the 3060 and it's great increase in performance; would it be worth to wait a bit until the price drops?

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Right now I wouldn't worry about the price of the 3060. I would be worried about the chance to even get a hold of one. Unless you need something right now because your old card died or something, I would wait till supply gets better. No need to pay scalper prices now instead of waiting and paying the same amount for a better card. I'd say wait till cards become more available and save some more till you can get a 3070 at least. The 3060 doesn't look like a terrible card or anything, I just don't see why they released it now when its near impossible to get anything at all. Why should people wait and pay for a 3060(decent card for the price) when they can wait and pay a little bit more for a card that is a little bit better.

For the 60 series, price always drops fairly quickly. Just wait half a year or so

3000 series are impossible to acquire, even gpus in the 2000 series are pretty limited like the 2070 super, which is crazy. I remember buying a 2070 super like a month before the 3000 series dropped for like 300, now used ones are going for stock price (500+)

Considering a 3070 is 100 more I'd say a 3070 is a better bet