13 Reasons Why Finale
Just finished this series up yesterday, watched it since it came out, I gotta ask does anyone else feel like this season was kind of meh compared to the others? Personally season 1 was my favorite, and season 2 was alright, but after that I've kind of just been watching to see how things ended up going. This last season though, it just felt empty, like rather than 'connecting' to an audience it just seemed like they were rushing to get a final season out, sure it had some good moments, but I found myself wanting to skip around rather than just watch it fully. I think it does a really good job of showing off bullying, I mean I've had people complain around me about how it wasn't realistic, but it was indeed and that's when I learned who had never really been bullied before, but you can only really drag that topic out for so long.

Did you guys like the final season, did you stop watching at season one or after, why? Lemme know I'm curious, because personally if it weren't for a promise I made with someone I would've just stopped halfway through the final season. Hour long episodes do take up a lot of your life after all, luckily I just power leveled in an MMO with it on my second monitor, but anyway I wanna know what you guys think.

Final season was pretty bad imo. Truth behind Monty’s death never really did anything except give the main characters a scare. Justin never showed any symptoms of AIDS until the plot needed him to die. The fact Jessica didn’t get AIDS after having that much sex with Justin is baffling. Lmao