Porn Then vs Now
Do you guys think porn in general has gotten better or worse over the last decade? Personally, I think it's gotten better in its variety but worse in the mainstream channels.

I like rocket tits with puffy nipple from those 80's porn..
Porn nowadays filled with fake spherical tits ?

Before was better for sure

Before for sure. I'm still watching the videos that I downloaded in the past. Quality is much better but I don't like the step-someone thing.

VR porn wasn't possible in the past soooo. Now is better

I think by pure volume it has gotten alot better than before

I would prefer 'old style' porn but with 'new style' aesthetics.

The hairstyling, fashion and bushes of ladies in the 1980s and 1990s were not good. Also, POV changed the game but not necessarily for the better.

I generally agree with the OP. More variety but some 'mainstream' channels are a bit stagnant with their output.

Generally better, but some vintage porn is great also.

With the explosion of high quality amateur content I definitely think its better now.

Camera work is so much better now. More POV.