Gaming pc vs new Gen consoles
Do you guys think that next gen consoles could beat at all gaming pc because of their price+attributes

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I would say so, but competitive gaming will most likely be on pc for most games

you have to pay to play online and games are 60 euro each.... so no

My issues with the push for gaming PC is all AAA titles are made for consoles now. If you want indie or strategy games it's Pc

Consoles are nearly entirely purposed for gaming. A gaming PC can do more than just gaming, and you also can "buy in" at different tiers of PCs unlike consoles that are a set price.

The exclusives are a big bonus for consoles, but that is the whole point of exclusives is to sell consoles.

If you are eyeing for any console exclusives, then go ahead for the console, if not just stick to PC. Though if you have a reasonably good PC already, no need for an upgrade.

If you choose a gaming Pc, performances could be better than a console. If you buy a normal Pc which also plays games than consoles are better, cause they are entirely focused on gaming. I would buy a Pc for productivity and a console to play games.

The biggest draw to consoles over PC will be the exclusive games, they're never competing in raw hardware power. We'll have to wait and see what exclusive games get dropped for the next gen consoles.

My belief is that with the pandemic happening, there's a lot of work/school being done at home on a computer. And more people beginning to stream. With the lack of availability of next gen, and the need for a computer, people I know have been using it as an excuse to splurge on a computer. I'm not sure how many people around the world are doing the same, but I can see it becoming a more popular device.